When you learn reading, math, and other stuff taught in school from your parents or tutors who come to your house, it's called homeschooling. A kid may be the only one, or he or she may be taught with brothers, sisters, or kids from the neighborhood.
Parents choose to homeschool their children for many different reasons. Sometimes a kid is sick and can't go to regular school. But more often, kids are homeschooled because their parents feel they can give their child a better education than the local school can. Parents also may choose homeschooling because they want their child's education to include religious instruction (learning about God), which isn't offered at public schools.
If you don't like school, homeschooling might seem like the perfect solution. But it's better for everyone if homeschooling isn't chosen just as an escape from school or problems there, such as bullying. Finding solutions to the problem should be the first step. Your school counselor and other school officials, such as the principal, often can help.
Don't Kids Have to Go to School?
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You might wonder if kids
have to go to school. It's true that kids must be educated, but it's legal to be schooled at home. In fact, more than 1 million students do it. These kids can learn just as they do in regular school, but their parents are in charge of their education.
Homeschool parents must make sure that their kids get the instruction and the experiences they need. The parents also may have to file paperwork with the state to explain who's teaching the kid and which subjects are being covered.
For more information visit : http://kidshealth.org
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